peony oil

binomial name: paeonia japonica
originating in china, the peony is a hardy and beautiful flower that has rooted itself in cultures all around the world. from one corner of the world, the peony’s name is said to have been given by the greek gods, naming the flower after the physician paeon whose talent of healing ranged from humans to gods, but incited the wrath of his mentor, the god asclepius. in order to save paeon from asclepius’ wrath, zeus turned paeon into a peony. thus, the peony is considered the “plant of healing.”

benefit: the peony is believed to heal many symptoms, from nerve problems to nightmares. the most common remedy the peony is used for is to relieve muscles cramps, upset stomachs, and menstrual cramps. when applied topically, the peony is used to treat hemorrhoids and cracked skin. although not a common scent in aromatherapy, the peony gives off a light, sweet fragrance which is reminscent of a warm spring day.