Stimulating the senses can lift your focus and energy levels to its full potential. The natural scent of citrus has been traditionally and scientifically proven to boost brain wave activity and mood. Absorbed into the body on application citrus also stimulates the blood flow and circulation energizing the system from within and out.
for the driven
Rated 4.0 stars by 1 users
Cook Time
15 minutes
Sunlight and morning are nature’s wake up call so to set yourself in harmony with nature’s call to action wake up early.
NOTE: Be generous with yourself and the amount of products you apply over the body.
Author:red flower
- Apply a full amount of Yuzu Mimosa Sea Algae Wash into the palm of your hands - inhale, this wash is one of the best aroma’s in the red flower collection. Mimosa is a summer blooming, sweet smelling pink puff of a flower and balancing its essential oil with the citrus edge of yuzu creates something altogether wonderful. Feel what you are about to apply to the body - to cleanse in plant’s energy is powerful. As you lather this sensory magic between the palms of the hands really feel the rich texture, it comes from the blend of aloe vera and sea algae - a double intensity of skin healing, softening, vitamin-rich benefits. The cleansing and purification should never feel drying, it should feel entirely hydrating and replenishing.
- Start by lathering yuzu mimosa sea algae wash from the feet toward the heart - this amplifies the stimulating effects of the yuzu!
Use significant pressure over the bottom of the feet, compressing each of the toes between the fingers. With a little more wash on the palms continue to apply pressure in circular motions lathering over the entire body toward the heart. Rinse slowly with warm water.
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Bring this self-care energy with you, it is something you feel and become, we find joy in helping you take care of yourself well.